Ashland Visual & Performing Arts

The AVPA is a recipient of the Teach Arts Ohio Grant. 

Visit the Ohio Arts Council for more information.

Vision: In keeping with the vision of The Ashland City School District, the success and artistic growth of all students is our priority. The purpose of the Ashland City Schools Visual & Performing Arts Department (AVPA) is to provide opportunities for the artistic, social, emotional, and academic growth of its students in an inclusive, structured, and supportive environment.

Mission: In keeping with the mission of The Ashland City School District, the mission of the Ashland City Schools Visual & Performing Arts Department (AVPA) is to provide an integrated arts education through dynamic K-12 curriculum and engaging artistic experiences through both school and community that foster a lifelong relationship with the arts. 

Arts Update 2020-2021

Ashland Visual & Performing Arts Course Offerings

The following offerings are available to interested AHS students. Available classes vary from year to year.

Visual Arts: 2D Foundations, Drawing Fundamentals, Printmaking, Painting, 3D Foundations, Ceramics, Sculpture, Graphic Design Foundations, Graphic Design Explorations, Advanced Studio Art

Music: Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band A, Jazz Band B, Orchestra, A Capella Choir, Symphonic Choir, Concert Choir, Music Theory 1, Music Theory 2, Introduction to Guitar, Introduction to Music Technology, Beginning Foundations of Music & Movement, Intermediate Foundations of Music & Movement

Media Arts: Foundations in Media Arts - Production & Performance, Explorations in Media Arts - Digital Media Production, Media Arts Internship

Theatre: Dramatics, Speech

Extra-Curricular: Fall Play, Follies, Solo & Ensemble, Spring Musical, Sing N Swing, Arrow Dynamics

K-8 Offerings: Weekly Music, Movement & Visual Art classes for K-5, Orchestra, Band, Choir, General Music, Piano, Graphic Art, Show Choir

AHS Visual & Performing Arts Media Board